
Showing posts from October, 2020

Storyboard Blog

This is the storyboard for my video commercial. The commercial will be advertising Pepperidge Farms Raisin Bread to the average consumer. The commercial will be done with three or four actors and be roughly thirty seconds. This storyboard splits the basic plot of the commercial into six comic-like panels. For the first scene of the storyboard the commercial is set inside a house. The mother is making raisin bread sandwiches for her family to enjoy. Here we see the raisin bread alongside some other ingredients being put together. In the second scene the sandwich is complete. The camera will focus on the sandwich from different angles showing off how tasty it looks. This is done to show the consumer that this product is superior to its competitors and normal bread. In the third scene the sandwich is being brought to the family for eating. The family is happy but not overjoyed like they will be when they react to the sandwich. When the mother calls them saying that its lunchtime they prep

Planning Blog

 Props:  I will be creating a commercial for Pepperidge Farms Raisin Bread so of course, the main product will be the bread itself. I will also need to have a dining room set of sorts where the family can eat and enjoy the raisin bread. Costumes: In the commercial the people will be wearing casual clothing since commercial will be marketed to everyday people. It wouldn't be too formal, I would see Polo T-shirts as well as shorts or jeans working well for the advertisement. This commercial will only succeed if its believable so there wont be anything out of character. Schedule:  On 10/23 - 10/24| I will research commercials and marketing strategies for food. On 10/26/20|  I will buy and make props for the commercial filming. This wont be too pricy since I already have a dining room, so really all I need to buy are the consumables.  On 10/28/20| I will create a finalized storyboard for the commercial. This will be around 8-10 panels and show what the actors need to do during the comm

Research Commercial Conventions and Codes

I am going to be working on a commercial for Pepperidge Farms raisin bread. For commercials like these the food is shown being eaten or prepared in meals for family and friends to enjoy. The actors will look normal since its a commercial for the average person who just wants some nice raisin bread. Some props will include the food itself as well as a kitchen and dinning room furniture for setting the atmosphere. The people in the commercial should be lightheaded and happy since the food is really good. The pleasant mood and happy people in the commercial will make viewers want to buy the product so the same can happen to them. Ill need to make a cool slogan for the product that helps keep the product memorable. In the commercial the camera needs to focus on the food itself since its the most important part. raisin bread!