Production Blog: Nothing Edition


 Well... I've had a busy few days. Before I begin to regale you all with my tales of things that have nothing to do with filmmaking here is a disclosure. I did not work on my film since last blog so skipping this blog may be in your best interest. Anyways with that out of the way let us commence forth. For the past few weeks a science project due date has been looming over my head progressively getting closer and closer. I've been buckling down and putting all of my work into this project. If I put all my efforts into this film I'd probably be failing a lot of classes right now so its best that I divide up schoolwork. I also have the FSA writing exam to prepare for. This exam is next week so I'm trying to get well rested beforehand. Unfortunately due to a unnecessarily large amount of homework I'll never be able to get any real rest. So as of now I have two major things coming up but that's not all. AICE testing is also coming up soon which I still need to prepare for. Combine this with occasional Math and English assignments and I end up with a full schedule. But once the testing season ends I should be able to coast through the rest of the year without any real trouble. Of course I'll have to set aside at least one more day for recording next week after testing. I still have till next Friday to finish the first five minutes of The Golden Calf. That being said  I'm not too worried about the time constraints. The Golden Calf is coming, but it might take a little longer to finish editing than I thought. Even though its not done yet, Its looking better than ever. I say this every blog, but I can't wait to show off the finished product.


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