Pepperidge Farms Raisin Bread Commercial

 Here it is, this is the accumulation of the filming and editing blogs. After about four hours of work total I finished the final product. For context this is a commercial for Pepperidge Farms brand raisin bread. The commercial would most likely be shown on channels that have shows and movies for all ages since the main market is just about anyone. This commercial in particular is meant to entice families to buy the product. Hopefully this commercial succeeds in making people want to purchase this product. As said before in the storyboard, the commercial starts with a raisin bread sandwich which is then served to a family. They then perk up as soon as they see the sandwiches and begin to praise how great the raisin bread tastes. When filming I got some members of my family and we all worked together to make the commercial happened. We started filming two days before Halloween and we did everything in one sitting. The editing took quite some time however and shortening the video became tedious after awhile. I also had to come back another day to shave off more footage after learning that the video couldn't be 36 seconds long. To make these edits I used the program Photoshop, which is usually used for photo editing but can also edit videos. Photoshop may not be the best editor but there's no watermark and it works for what I need it to do. Some mistakes were definitely made in recording and editing but overall everything went smoothly. If I had to change one thing in recording I would fix the lighting in the final scene. There's a bit of a glare on the table that should have been addressed before filming. Other than that however I am very proud of the finished product. Watching these again and although I admit they aren't perfect the commercial made me want to buy raisin bread. With the whole point of an advertisement being to sell a product I think that I definitely succeeded.


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