Genre Research: Action


This video is my PowerPoint presentation about action movies. The video above lists lots of things that are used in action films. I've always really liked watching action movies so this was my first choice of genre to write about. Most of my favorite movies are action movies so I like to think that I know a good deal about them. The first slide of this PowerPoint is about how lighting is used in action movies. Lighting is used to create atmosphere, for instance dark lighting is used to create gloomy more serious mood. Bright lighting on the other hand is used for more peaceful scenes. Bright lighting isn't commonly used in action movies since it doesn't fit with the violence taking place. The camera angles of action movies are usually dramatic in order to fit the action that's taking place in the movie. Mid shots are used quite often in order to show all the characters at once. This is done so that the viewer can see all the action that is taking place in the film. With that out of the way we can talk about what exactly makes an action movie. There's a little more to action movies than just action, a good action movie needs a story. While story is never the most important part of the action movie, without one the film will make no sense. Another important element of an action movie is of course the fights and action scenes. These scenes have to grasp the audience's attention with stunning visuals and acting. The usual formula for a good action movie is, hero goes on an adventure to defeat a villain or save a loved one. It may be simple, but with the great action scenes along the way, this genre of movies is absolutely amazing. Action movies have always been good at keeping my attention and interesting me.  Its for these reasons that action movies will always be my number one pick for movie night. 


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