Research Blog (Music Video)


 Researching a folk song is less complicated than I actually expected.  The song is called Yon Yonson and is a repeating lyric meant for entertainment. The song appears to be written by Gus Heege in 1890 although sources are not sure. After listening to a short little ditty on loop a few times I think I have an idea of what I want to do for the commercial. I definitely think buying or making costumes for the video will be harder than doing the video itself. Ill also need a few props like a lumberjack's axe. These are needed to sell the role of Yon Yonson who is a simple lumberjack that lives in Wisconsin. I think with a rustic costume maybe with some green, the part will be much more clear to the audience. Ill only really need two actors in this video unlike the previous one. This will make recording much easier to do than last time. This being said with the focus being more on comedy this time I'll have a little more room for being goofy during the video. The video will still be professional but my goal is for the video to be pretty funny.  If done right the production of this video should cost less than 20 dollars which is pretty good for a production. Overall although not a ton of planning time was needed. This being said I think I have a good idea of how to direct this video. I plan to start recording this sometime after thanksgiving and probably editing the video on the same day. The editing process shouldn't be too hard since the scenes wont need any added effects. The basic plan is to record some scenes and then splice them together in photoshop. After that everything should be complete as long as nothing goes wrong. So far though this is looking like its going to be a pretty cool project.

(old comic I found during research, I thought it was really cool)


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