Commercial Reflection

As previously stated, looking back on my commercial product I believe that I did really well. Now by looking at this ad more critically I hope to see what I did right and how the commercial holds up as media. The first question that is asked when reflecting is how my commercial represented social groups or issues as well as challenged conventions. Although I wouldn't say any issues are represented, the family social group was definitely the target audience for the commercial. I say this because the actors are portrayed being a happy family and enjoying sandwiches together. This commercial however was not made with the purpose of challenging conventions, but instead made to make people want raisin bread. The second question asked is how my product engages the audience and how it would be distributed to the audience as media. This product engages the audience with the savory food shown on screen. The reason the food is shown right at the beginning is simply to help convince the viewer to keep watching the rest. This video would be distributed on TV channels for families since that is the target market. Some examples of where this would be aired are ABC and Fox. The next question asked how did my production skills develop throughout this project. I think I got much better at filming, directing and acting through this project since these are things I hardly ever do. Although I have acted before on things I usually don't record myself so I had to reacclimate myself to it. I've also never had to direct before so that was a completely new experience. The fourth and final question was how I integrated various technologies into my project. I used my I Phone to record the video and used my Intel computer to process and edit the video. The editing software I used was Photoshop which worked very well for what I needed. Connecting my phone to the computer for upload was a little challenging but after a bit of trial and error I was able to make it work. To upload the assignment I used YouTube. Overall although my commercial didn't change the world it functioned exactly how I wanted it to. I also learned quite a bit from this experience and I would feel much more comfortable filming again.


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