Editing Blog


After filming the commercial I immediately began to work on editing the blog. I opened up photoshop to compile and edit the videos. After compiling all the footage together I realized that I had far too much video. With everything together the video was about one minute and 30 seconds long. Since the video needed to be shortened to about 30 seconds there was a lot that needed to be cut. One scene that was cut was in the beginning which showed the making of the sandwiches. This scene took up around ten seconds so it made sense to be removed. Because of this cut the first scene shown is the rotating shot around the raisin bread sandwich as well as some dialogue that was edited over it. Another deleted scene was at the end where there was a zoom in on the product and a slogan appeared on screen. This was cut in order to save time, and also because the ending was not necessary. After all the cropping and cutting I had it down to around 30 seconds with only 3 scenes from the storyboard remaining. The parts remaining were the zoom in on the sandwich, the serving of the sandwiches and the scene where the two actors eat and enjoy them. At the end I added in a Pepperidge Farms logo that fades in. I think this editing effect helped establish the brand even more and make it so that the consumer would recognize the logo in stores. This was mainly because the scene with the product in its packaging was cut due to time constraints. Time constraints were the main setback for all of the editing that took place. By the end more than half of what was recorded was either sped up or cut entirely. All in all lots was cut but in the long run the commercial looked pretty good and I am happy with how it turned out. The best thing to come from this editing was by far the skill gained in photoshop editing.


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