Editing Blog (Music Video)

Today was the day when I put in the most effort. Not only did I edit the footage recorded earlier, but I also recorded new footage to improve the quality. Today was a rough schedule since I wanted to record some scenes as well as edit all the footage together. Even with these struggles I managed to somehow fully finish the music video today. One thing I changed from my original storyboard was the "Walking by the street" scene where Yon Yonson met a passerby on the street. Originally I was going to use an actor for this but due to "budget cuts" I couldn't get anyone to join in on the video. As a replacement I added notable celebrities and made them ask "what's your name?". It was really fun to see myself talking to Barack Obama to the tune of Yon Yonson. This definitely made for a humorous video since It was more laid back than the commercial video. Without the need to advertise I had a lot more freedom with editing the clips together. As said before I also recorded new footage today since I got a more convincing costume and better lighting. I wanted to make each time the song looped seem special so I made each loop completely different. Now there are different interactions every time which makes the video get less stale. In the beta version of the video I didn't have a costume and I only had one prop, so this was a big improvement. That being said most if not all of the footage from the original recording session was removed since it wasn't in costume. This was a rough decision but it was for the best in the long run since the music video looks way better. One thing I wish I had more time to do was perfect lip syncing. Since I had never had practice with lip syncing that could've been a bit better but I'm still proud that It looks decent. Overall I really think I did well on the editing today despite the limited time. I look forward to seeing what AICE thinks of the video in tomorrow's blog.

(New Costume for the video)


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