Genre Decision Blog


 After some consideration I think my movie pitch would work best as an action movie with elements from sci fi. As said before in the pitch blog my movie is going to be based on the golden calf from the Bible. Although most action wont be shown in the first five minutes of the movie, I want to allude to action happening. Basically my headcanon for the movie is to show how the calf is influencing researchers which would be implied to lead to some sort of action. I came to this conclusion after a lot of thought on the subject and discussing the potential plot with my parents. I think a movie like this would be a lot of fun to make. I did a lot of research to come to this conclusion. As said before in previous blogs I researched the action and sci fi genres. My research on these subjects came out showing that these would make the most sense for what I wanted to make. The golden calf controlling others would fit right in with the science fiction genre. Trying to defeat the calf would fit in with the action genre, so combining both accordingly would be perfect. I am quite happy with the results of my research and I'm pleased to say that this film is definitely possible. Since only the first five minutes of film will be featured I think that incorporating action into the film will definitely be the main challenge. I might have to tone down the action to develop the story more. I'm ok with this sacrifice but if possible ill try to avoid it. If I focus more on sci fi I think the film concept can still work. I think if done right this sci fi action movie could be really well made. I will try very hard in order to make this 5 minutes of film be the best film that you've ever seen. And if this film can entertain the viewer and be understood by the average viewer than i've done my part.

(science fiction)


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