Genre Research: Comedy & Sci Fi


 For this research blog I had to find two other genres to write about. After quite a bit of pondering I decided the two best genre's for my writing. The two genres that I decided to write about are Comedy and Science Fiction. After action movies these two are tied for my second favorite genre. I enjoy both of these for different reasons. Comedy I enjoy for its lighthearted mood and moments that make me laugh. On the other hand science fiction is something I find very interesting. Film like star wars may not be as funny as comedy, but they hold my interest with interesting plot and out of this world scenes. These both are great for their own reasons which will be shown in the list below. 

This list is all of the research on these two genres that I compiled today. As you can see this includes CLAMPS and CAMS. Some other things that were included were my opinions on each of these genres and some examples of film for each. As shown above the CLAMPS for each genre are wildly different since both types set out to achieve different goals. The goal of comedy is obviously to entertain the viewer. The goal of science fiction however is not as clear, this can vary between movies. My favorite type of science fiction movie is one that plays out similarly to an action movie, yet uses tropes and ideas that would normally be found in sci fi. The CAMS of each genre are also very important in order to understand what they are. Once again these have many differences so it is easy to see how these movies set out to accomplish very different things. Although both these genres are different in many ways I do enjoy both greatly. 


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