Genre Research: Pixels


 Pixels is that movie that has Pac-Man and Donkey Kong. It came out a few years ago starring Adam Sandler and I watched it in theaters. Watching it again it was pretty good actually. It was a little goofy and had some corny moments, but It was a movie that I enjoyed. The plot was decent, the movie had some comedy elements along with the sci fi and overall was enjoyable. I will admit that this movie wasn't perfect, but I had a lot of fun watching it. This movie didn't teach me too much for what my movie should be like. Since it was very comedy based I wouldn't consider it as something to base my movie off of. Although it was a pleasurable experience It wasn't so amazing that I want to base my golden calf movie off of it. I want the golden calf to be a little more serious than pixels. The element I most liked in this movie was definitely the use of comedy. This movie was very different for a sci fi movie and I appreciated all the jokes used in it. Another thing I really liked were the references to video games. In this movie aliens have recreated video games and this made for some really cool references to games that I've played. My least favorite element was probably the progression of the movie. How each scene transitioned to another always seemed odd to me. Overall this was a really fun movie, It didn't help a ton with my research but I enjoyed it nonetheless. 

(pacman is very cool)


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