Genre Research: Star Wars Episode IV


To research the sci fi genre I watched star wars on Disney Plus. This movie is something I've seen many times throughout my life. The star wars series is full of classics, so what better movie to watch than the first in the series. After watching this movie I can reaffirm that this is an amazing film. This film deserves its status as a majorly successful movie. Although this movie will be very different from my movie I think it helped me brainstorm for mine. I would like to tell a story as good as George Lucas. Obviously we don't have the same budget, but I'm striving for similar quality. A question that could be asked for this movie is why did I like it? To this I say that my favorite part of  Star Wars is definitely the settings and characters. I love all the unique areas that the main characters explore and all the machines. The cool characters like R2D2 really contribute to the great story. Without all the character in star wars it would be quite bare bones. I think character is something I really want to focus on in my film. Honestly there weren't many elements of this movie that didn't appeal to me. The only real complain I can think of is the long film length, but even that isn't really a problem. Star wars is a great movie and I really enjoyed watching it. Even though it was for research I still had a great time. This is testament to how great this film really is.

(star war)


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