Genre Research: Tron Legacy


I watched Tron Legacy for this project. This is a very popular movie and is considered a cult classic. Apparently it is supposed to represent good science fiction action movies. After watching this movie I can give my opinion on Tron. I thought it was a bit overhyped actually. The movie failed to keep me interested  and I felt tired halfway through. The movie was boring and I didn't like it. If anything this movie taught me what not to make my movie like. When creating my film I will definitely use this movie as a guide on what not to do. Honestly the only appealing thing I could see was the visuals. The visuals looked quite nice but they weren't enough to sell the poor plot. For a movie that took place in a video game, it didn't really feel like one. The use of colors on the bikes and costumes were pretty cool though. I could talk a lot about what elements of this genre didn't appeal to me. This movie just did not have an interesting story. It was hard to follow and overall just bored me. As said before this movie would be a great example of what not to do in the golden calf film. If I can just avoid creating a boring story I think I will do just fine. 

Below is the poster from Tron Legacy. Like I said before it is visually appealing, but lacks a good story and likeable characters. 


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