Filming Blog


 I started the beginning of my filming recently. This has been quite the event to do. Unfortunately I haven't been able to record everything yet but progress is being made. Basically all I have been able to record are the scenes that don't involve the golden calf. Until I get the materials to make this I'm pretty much stuck. Once I have this however I will be able to finish preliminary recording. Basically all I have right now is the first major scene. This is the main character sitting in his office doing research. I think this scene is important for a few reasons. Of course there needs to be quiet before all of the action in a movie. And without a scene like this, there would be no way to properly introduce the main character. Without introducing characters the viewer wont care what happens to them. I cannot stress how important good character development is, so I made sure to work on that in my film. Of course there are other important things that I used besides character development. I also wanted to introduce the world that this movie takes place in. I think the contents and overall visuals of this area prepare you for what kind of film you are about to watch. Its very important for the viewer to understand the film that they are viewing. With all of these things utilized I'll be ready for my next filming session. I plan to do this sometime near next Tuesday so hopefully all goes well then. All in all I think I did a pretty good job of filming with what I had. Next time I'll have more to work with so filming will be much better!

(awesome golden calf image) --> 


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