Production Blog


 Its been a week since I really started production on my golden calf film. I wont lie, the beginning steps of this film were very hard to do. The storyboard blog alone took me almost an entire weekend. Each blog I've done took multiple hours. Just getting the ideas for this film was a challenge. I've always had a strange interest with the bible so when this idea hit me I was ecstatic. I shared the idea with my family and they all seemed to like it so I went with it. The storyboard was definitely the biggest challenge for me. I spent days drawing each picture and describing what happened. I even made panels going further than the first five minutes because I really wanted to develop the story. Each page had 6 panels each having drawings that described the scene. Each panel was colored and decently detailed so you can see why it took a long time to complete. Despite the difficulty of finishing the storyboard I am proud of what it turned out to be. Anyways the film is still in its very early stages. Not much actual footage has been recorded so there isn't much to edit. One thing I have been researching is costume and prop design. I want the characters in the story to look professional so I will have to invest some of the film budget into costumes. Concerning props I still need to get gold coating for my cow prop. Once I have these things I should be in good standing to record.

I'm thinking I want to have a costume that looks something like this. Professional and cool!


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