Production Blog: Still Editing


 As you can see from the title of this blog  I am still editing. Since the last blog I've worked on a few new things that I can show off. First off I did quite a bit of work on the intro text. The first thing I did was make some basic text stating who the movie was made by and things like that. After that I added some simple transitions to the text for flair. Most of the transitions were just simple fades which worked very well. This is a pretty simplistic themed film so the plain transitions help sell the vibe. I really had a lot of fun making the text in photoshop and then messing with different transitions. Adding stuff like this was a good experience and I learned a few new tricks. After I made this I continued to work on the usual things. As said before I was working on splicing everything together. I polished a lot of footage removing unnecessary time. I also cropped out certain things that didn't need to make the final cut. I am still working on adding sound effects however. At some point I'll have to get some royalty free music in order to keep the atmosphere. It will be hard to find the perfect song for my film but once I find it, it'll be worth it. I'm so very close to finishing this project. I personally can't wait for the finished project to release and that will be very soon. Still working on the project, but things are looking good and I cannot wait to show the progress that I've made.


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