
Showing posts from November, 2020

Recording Blog?! (Music Video)

   This is when id explain the process of recording the new music video. Yon Yonson's music video was to be a huge hit on release. This was the plan but alas recording has not been finished yet. Instead of discussing the recording session that has not happened yet I'll elaborate on why it hasn't happened yet. This week was thanksgiving vacation so to be honest film wasn't exactly on the mind. I instead took this time to hang out with my family and enjoy the short period of relaxation. The first thing I did was visit my aunt and grandmother with my mom. They were both doing well and it was nice to see them after a few weeks. I invested a lot of time there playing games with them and also eating some really nice home cooking. After that I went with my dad and prepared for thanksgiving. My grandpa makes the thanksgiving turkey so we didn't have to focus on that, instead we got side dishes as well as pie for desert. On the day of thanksgiving we all went to my Grampa

Storyboard Blog

  Writing a storyboard for a music video was far more different than I expected. This took around 20 minutes which was way longer than I intended. The storyboard is a pretty straightforward chronology for the song. The storyboard begins at the start of the song where the main character Yon Yonson is introduced. He says "my name is Yon Yonson, I come from Wisconsin". This immediately shows what kind of story is going to be told throughout the music video. The second scene shows what the character does throughout his daily life. The second line in the song is "I work as a lumberjack there" which has a very simple meaning. This scene will be acted outside and the actor will chop wood.  The next scene takes place on the street where Yon Yonson is walking by. This once again is directly from the song lyrics. Going around to all these different places for recording is certainly going to make things take longer. In the fourth scene Yon Yonson comes across someone who then

Research Blog (Music Video)

   Researching a folk song is less complicated than I actually expected.  The song is called Yon Yonson and is a repeating lyric meant for entertainment. The song appears to be written by Gus Heege in 1890 although sources are not sure.   After listening to a short little ditty on loop a few times I think I have an idea of what I want to do for the commercial. I definitely think buying or making costumes for the video will be harder than doing the video itself. Ill also need a few props like a lumberjack's axe. These are needed to sell the role of Yon Yonson who is a simple lumberjack that lives in Wisconsin. I think with a rustic costume maybe with some green, the part will be much more clear to the audience. Ill only really need two actors in this video unlike the previous one. This will make recording much easier to do than last time. This being said with the focus being more on comedy this time I'll have a little more room for being goofy during the video. The video will st

Intro Blog (Music Video)

As someone who doesn't listen to music that often choosing a song to make a music video for was difficult to say the least. Most music I listen too comes from video games, but those wouldn't transfer very well into a story based music video. I sat down with my dad and we discussed what kind of music would work for this that I liked. Unfortunately since I don't actually listen to music we didn't get much out of that discussion. After awhile we started to joke around and suggest songs that were meant to be funny. A funny song would solve a lot of the problems of making a music video since it could be less serious and require less funds. We agreed on making the video after a little jingle called Yon Yonson that was very short and simple. The song is about 3 sentences long and repeats indefinitely. Yon Yonson is a friendly man by nature so he tells his song to everyone who passes by, causing the song to continuously loop. The song is about the daily life of a Swedish immigr

Commercial Reflection

As previously stated, looking back on my commercial product I believe that I did really well. Now by looking at this ad more critically I hope to see what I did right and how the commercial holds up as media. The first question that is asked when reflecting is how my commercial represented social groups or issues as well as challenged conventions. Although I wouldn't say any issues are represented, the family social group was definitely the target audience for the commercial. I say this because the actors are portrayed being a happy family and enjoying sandwiches together. This commercial however was not made with the purpose of challenging conventions, but instead made to make people want raisin bread. The second question asked is how my product engages the audience and how it would be distributed to the audience as media. This product engages the audience with the savory food shown on screen. The reason the food is shown right at the beginning is simply to help convince the viewe

Pepperidge Farms Raisin Bread Commercial

 Here it is, this is the accumulation of the filming and editing blogs. After about four hours of work total I finished the final product. For context this is a commercial for Pepperidge Farms brand raisin bread. The commercial would most likely be shown on channels that have shows and movies for all ages since the main market is just about anyone. This commercial in particular is meant to entice families to buy the product. Hopefully this commercial succeeds in making people want to purchase this product. As said before in the storyboard, the commercial starts with a raisin bread sandwich which is then served to a family. They then perk up as soon as they see the sandwiches and begin to praise how great the raisin bread tastes. When filming I got some members of my family and we all worked together to make the commercial happened. We started filming two days before Halloween and we did everything in one sitting. The editing took quite some time however and shortening the video became

Editing Blog

  After filming the commercial I immediately began to work on editing the blog. I opened up photoshop to compile and edit the videos. After compiling all the footage together I realized that I had far too much video. With everything together the video was about one minute and 30 seconds long. Since the video needed to be shortened to about 30 seconds there was a lot that needed to be cut. One scene that was cut was in the beginning which showed the making of the sandwiches. This scene took up around ten seconds so it made sense to be removed. Because of this cut the first scene shown is the rotating shot around the raisin bread sandwich as well as some dialogue that was edited over it. Another deleted scene was at the end where there was a zoom in on the product and a slogan appeared on screen. This was cut in order to save time, and also because the ending was not necessary. After all the cropping and cutting I had it down to around 30 seconds with only 3 scenes from the storyboard re

Recording Blog

   On Friday October 31st I recorded my advertisement for Pepperidge farms raisin bread. My basic plan for directing the commercial was to have an actor make raisin bread families for some others and then they would endorse the product. Although there were some slight changes to the storyboard for the most part the movie ran quite smoothly. Some minor changes occurred like the slogan that was going to play at the end of the ad. Another thing that was changed was that the sandwiches being made were not shown, this was due to the 30 second time constraint. I had a few plans I would've liked to incorporate into the commercial but alas the 30 second timer really limited what I could do. With that being said the 30 second timer also forced me to be creative with the time I had. To make the best of the time I shortened each scene greatly and some of the stuff I recorded didn't make the cut entirely. The entirety of the first scene in the storyboard was changed once again because of t