
Showing posts from March, 2021

Production Blog: Recording

   This spring I got a lot of progress done on my film. I put in quite a long time working on this and I am proud to be able to share the results. Without further adieu here are the fruits of this spring break's labor. The first thing I did was make the centerpiece prop. This of course is the golden cow, which was made with some gold paint and a plastic toy. This came out very well although I admit it took a very long time for the paint to dry. Once this was done I buried the calf in my backyard with its head just barely sticking out of the ground. I then filmed a bunch of different angles of the calf in the ground. I figure I can add some ominous music to this which would create a mysterious and mythical mood. I had a lot of fun with this part of filming. The next part was a little harder since it required my to use acting skills. Since I don't have any group members I was limited on actors so I had to use myself as the main character. Basically I recorded some lines which wil

Production Blog

   Today is a very special day for me and many others. Today is rejoiced by many students, and even teachers. Now you may be wondering, is today Christmas?, New Years? Presidents Day? No today is the beginning of spring break. With this comes loads of free time and a well needed rest from the everyday labors of school. School isn't very easy so things like spring break are some of the most anticipated things of each year. As mentioned before spring break gives a lot of free time which is important for my film plans. If all goes smoothly I will be done, or very close to being done with this movie by the end of spring break. Now I know a lot of work goes into these films, but I feel that now is the best time to take action. I don't have many other assignments to do besides this one during spring break. With this time I should be able to obtain all props and costumes as well. Once all of this is done I'll have plenty of time to edit the video footage recorded. As stated before

Production Blog

   Production is still going strong! These past few days I've been polishing everything I've done so far. I looked over my storyboard and thought to myself. I saw it and I thought "how can I apply this to actual film". This may seem like a simple question but it can actually be quite complex. For one thing I need to keep budget in mind. I obviously cant video edit in explosions or use things like green screens. Not having access to some of these tools makes film making quite the challenge. To replace these high budget tools here's what I got for my film. The first thing that is a noticeable problem is my lack of a camera. To replace this I am using a smart phone. These definitely aren't as high quality as cameras but they'll do the trick. The next thing that becomes a challenge is editing the videos. I don't really have good editing software and it's very hard to find free ones that don't add large watermarks to the video. Because of these limi

Production Blog

   Its been a week since I really started production on my golden calf film. I wont lie, the beginning steps of this film were very hard to do. The storyboard blog alone took me almost an entire weekend. Each blog I've done took multiple hours. Just getting the ideas for this film was a challenge. I've always had a strange interest with the bible so when this idea hit me I was ecstatic. I shared the idea with my family and they all seemed to like it so I went with it. The storyboard was definitely the biggest challenge for me. I spent days drawing each picture and describing what happened. I even made panels going further than the first five minutes because I really wanted to develop the story. Each page had 6 panels each having drawings that described the scene. Each panel was colored and decently detailed so you can see why it took a long time to complete. Despite the difficulty of finishing the storyboard I am proud of what it turned out to be. Anyways the film is still in i

Production Blog

   Producing a film certainly is no easy task. There are many things that combine to create a great movie. Of course good writing is needed. But no film only uses good acting or writing. To make a good film great, work has to go into production. If a movie isn't produced, does it really exist? To be fair I don't have much production done as of now. I will however get to producing this film in the near future. For now since I don't have much production done, I can talk about my plans for the future. One thing I want to do is use smoother editing. I'm going to use Photoshop for splicing footage and for general polish. I will record the footage itself on my phone. I decided to use my phone since it allows me to transfer the videos to computer in a easier way.  By utilizing all of the tools I already have I can make a decent quality production without spending too much money. One of the most important parts of production is definitely the budget. Depending on how much money

Filming Blog

   I started the beginning of my filming recently. This has been quite the event to do. Unfortunately I haven't been able to record everything yet but progress is being made. Basically all I have been able to record are the scenes that don't involve the golden calf. Until I get the materials to make this I'm pretty much stuck. Once I have this however I will be able to finish preliminary recording. Basically all I have right now is the first major scene. This is the main character sitting in his office doing research. I think this scene is important for a few reasons. Of course there needs to be quiet before all of the action in a movie. And without a scene like this, there would be no way to properly introduce the main character. Without introducing characters the viewer wont care what happens to them. I cannot stress how important good character development is, so I made sure to work on that in my film. Of course there are other important things that I used besides charac

Planning Title Blog

In the PowerPoint below you can see many things. This PowerPoint is a list of all the title cards that will be used in the movie. This wasn't very hard to figure out though since most things are being done by myself alone. If i was in a team I would've had to communicate with the other members. This is one of the reasons I decided to work by myself for this project. I personally think that working by myself is a lot easier since I don't have to rely on lots of people. My basic thought process is, why gamble that other people are going to do as much work as me. In theory working in a group means less work, but it is also very unreliable. The chances of getting a full group of hard working group members is very slim. That is why most of the title cards say my name. There isn't really too much to talk about other than what is stated in the PowerPoint itself. The first slide shows who this is presented by. For this I just made up a company name. The other slides all use my

Storyboard Blog

  This is the storyboard for the golden calf movie. This covers a large portion of the beginning of the movie. Since this is such a large storyboard not everything mentioned will be included in the first five minutes. I went for a minimalistic yet interesting art style for this storyboard.  I'm not exactly sure why, but blogger refuses to put these frames in the right order. The storyboard has to be read from bottom to top instead of top to bottom. 

Planning Script

  This video is a rough script of everything I want in the first five minutes of the Golden Calf movie. This script is subject to change based on how everything works out. I wanted to make this intro interesting for the viewer. If I cant grab the audience's attention in the first five minutes of the movie, there isn't a guarantee that they will watch the rest. For this reason it is crucial that I make an interesting script. At the beginning of this script I introduce the protagonist of this story who is titled in the script as man 1. Man 1 is an archeologist working on some sort of paper. During his studies he is interrupted with important news. The character known as man 2 describes how something amazing was found at the dig site. At the dig site the object is shown to be the golden calf, leaving man 1 in disbelief. Man 1 tries to rationalize this but in the end cannot. After this scene the man returns to his office and begins to study the writings of the bible. Man 1 is not c