Title Research: Futurama
Futurama may be a comedy show, but in reality its one of the greatest animated science fiction shows of all time. - What titles are displayed during the opening sequences?: The first thing shown is the title of the show. This is followed by the producers of the show. - What images are prioritized in the opening sequence?: Throughout the intro the year 3000 is shown. The priority for this intro is to show what this show is about. - What connotations do these images carry?: The connotation of the show is to visually describe the setting for this show. It wouldn't be Futurama without the future. - How does the film establish a feeling of the genre from the outset?: Everything going on in the intro looks very futuristic which is important for the sci fi genre. With all the spacecraft and robots the science fiction aspect of the show is very well established. - What strategies are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience?: The in...