
Showing posts from February, 2021

Title Research: Futurama

   Futurama may be a comedy show, but in reality its one of the greatest animated science fiction shows of all time.  - What titles are displayed during the opening sequences?: The first thing shown is the title of the show. This is followed by the producers of the show.  - What images are prioritized in the opening sequence?: Throughout the intro the year 3000 is shown. The priority for this intro is to show what this show is about.   - What connotations do these images carry?: The connotation of the show is to visually describe the setting for this show. It wouldn't be Futurama without the future.  - How does the film establish a feeling of the genre from the outset?: Everything going on in the intro looks very futuristic which is important for the sci fi genre. With all the spacecraft and robots the science fiction aspect of the show is very well established.  - What strategies are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience?: The intro has very eye-catching visuals t

Title Research: The Twilight Zone

 The Twilight Zone was a very strange television show, and its intro sequence is no difference. Theres a lot going on so answering these questions will be a bit of a challenge.  - What titles are displayed during the opening sequences? Most of this intro just displays images floating around. At the end of the intro the title of the show is displayed. - What images are prioritized in the opening sequence?: There's a bunch of floating objects going throughout a space like area. These are definitely the priority of the intro. - What connotations do these images carry?: These images give off a very strange connotation. The randomness of them together creates a eerie mood. - How does the film establish a feeling of the genre from the outset?: This is one of the most sci fi intros I have ever seen. By using a bunch of scientific random objects as well as a space background, the film screams sci fi. - What strategies are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience?: The music i

Title Research: Star Wars The Clone Wars

   Star Wars: The Clone Wars has a super unique intro sequence.  - What titles are displayed during the opening sequences?: The first title displayed is the name of the show. What comes next is a wise quote pertaining to the theme of the episode. I always thought this was super unique and interesting.  - What images are prioritized in the opening sequence?: The main priority for this is the title. The title of course should be the most important part of an intro.  - What connotations do these images carry?: The images are really just text, but they have a very important message. The  messages always contain a meaning that is important to understanding the episode. - How does the film establish a feeling of the genre from the outset?: The messages and font looks very wise as if it was being said by Yoda (one of the characters in the show). This establishes the sci fi feel from the beginning.   - What strategies are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience?: The intro itsel

Title Research: Star Trek

   For my first opening sequence I chose the intro from the original star trek show. This is a classic intro so answering the provided questions should be quite simple  - What titles are displayed during the opening sequences?: One thing displayed is the title of the show. Some of the main actors and writers are also featured in this opening. - What images are prioritized in the opening sequence?: In the intro space is shown with the spaceship flying around. This prepares the viewer for a sci fi experience.  - What connotations do these images carry?: The images shown show signs of adventure. This intro really gives a grandeur sense to the audience. - How does the film establish a feeling of the genre from the outset?: The use of space obviously screams sci fi. The spaceship flying around also contributes to this genre.  - What strategies are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience?: One major strategy is the musical score. The music used in this intro really makes the a

Title Research: Watch The Titles Website

   For my second title research site I wanted to try something different. This time I went to a site called Watch The Titles dot com which was similar to the other but still unique in many ways. Figuring out how to navigate this site was a chore. Once I did however I was treated to some great title videos. These videos opened my eyes on how great an intro truly could be. One in specific really spoke to me. I think If my intro could be as sophisticated as this I would be really well off for the film. I want my film to be similar to this one. Of course It would have its own personality, but I really like the feel of this intro. Replicating something this fancy with my budget of course would be a problem. However with some video editing skills it should be possible.

Title Research: Art of the Title Website

    To research the making of a good title I knew I had to do some research. I went to The Art Of The Title, which is a website all about what makes a good title. Here I could find lots of information about exactly how to start my film off right. What I learned is that a good title needs to be comprehensible by others. In the examples found on the site they all have titles that stand out, but can be understood by the viewer. When making my film I'm definitely going to use what I've learned here. One quote that really stuck with me was "Beginnings are the best. It’s the time when your curiosity is aroused and things feel fun, fresh and different" I really felt this quote. This alone really made me think about how grand my opening sequence should be. If I can be as good as the examples on this website than Ill be good to go. Hopefully the knowledge gained from this site will be beneficial to my final product.

Genre Research: Pixels

   Pixels is that movie that has Pac-Man and Donkey Kong. It came out a few years ago starring Adam Sandler and I watched it in theaters. Watching it again it was pretty good actually. It was a little goofy and had some corny moments, but It was a movie that I enjoyed. The plot was decent, the movie had some comedy elements along with the sci fi and overall was enjoyable. I will admit that this movie wasn't perfect, but I had a lot of fun watching it. This movie didn't teach me too much for what my movie should be like. Since it was very comedy based I wouldn't consider it as something to base my movie off of. Although it was a pleasurable experience It wasn't so amazing that I want to base my golden calf movie off of it. I want the golden calf to be a little more serious than pixels. The element I most liked in this movie was definitely the use of comedy. This movie was very different for a sci fi movie and I appreciated all the jokes used in it. Another thing I really

Genre Research: Tron Legacy

  I watched Tron Legacy for this project. This is a very popular movie and is considered a cult classic. Apparently it is supposed to represent good science fiction action movies. After watching this movie I can give my opinion on Tron. I thought it was a bit overhyped actually. The movie failed to keep me interested  and I felt tired halfway through. The movie was boring and I didn't like it. If anything this movie taught me what not to make my movie like. When creating my film I will definitely use this movie as a guide on what not to do. Honestly the only appealing thing I could see was the visuals. The visuals looked quite nice but they weren't enough to sell the poor plot. For a movie that took place in a video game, it didn't really feel like one. The use of colors on the bikes and costumes were pretty cool though. I could talk a lot about what elements of this genre didn't appeal to me. This movie just did not have an interesting story. It was hard to follow and

Genre Research: Star Wars Episode IV

  To research the sci fi genre I watched star wars on Disney Plus. This movie is something I've seen many times throughout my life. The star wars series is full of classics, so what better movie to watch than the first in the series. After watching this movie I can reaffirm that this is an amazing film. This film deserves its status as a majorly successful movie. Although this movie will be very different from my movie I think it helped me brainstorm for mine. I would like to tell a story as good as George Lucas. Obviously we don't have the same budget, but I'm striving for similar quality. A question that could be asked for this movie is why did I like it? To this I say that my favorite part of  Star Wars is definitely the settings and characters. I love all the unique areas that the main characters explore and all the machines. The cool characters like R2D2 really contribute to the great story. Without all the character in star wars it would be quite bare bones. I think c

Genre Decision Blog

   After some consideration I think my movie pitch would work best as an action movie with elements from sci fi. As said before in the pitch blog my movie is going to be based on the golden calf from the Bible. Although most action wont be shown in the first five minutes of the movie, I want to allude to action happening. Basically my headcanon for the movie is to show how the calf is influencing researchers which would be implied to lead to some sort of action. I came to this conclusion after a lot of thought on the subject and discussing the potential plot with my parents. I think a movie like this would be a lot of fun to make. I did a lot of research to come to this conclusion. As said before in previous blogs I researched the action and sci fi genres. My research on these subjects came out showing that these would make the most sense for what I wanted to make. The golden calf controlling others would fit right in with the science fiction genre. Trying to defeat the calf would fit

Genre Research: Comedy & Sci Fi

   For this research blog I had to find two other genres to write about. After quite a bit of pondering I decided the two best genre's for my writing. The two genres that I decided to write about are Comedy and Science Fiction. After action movies these two are tied for my second favorite genre. I enjoy both of these for different reasons. Comedy I enjoy for its lighthearted mood and moments that make me laugh. On the other hand science fiction is something I find very interesting. Film like star wars may not be as funny as comedy, but they hold my interest with interesting plot and out of this world scenes. These both are great for their own reasons which will be shown in the list below.  This list is all of the research on these two genres that I compiled today. As you can see this includes CLAMPS and CAMS. Some other things that were included were my opinions on each of these genres and some examples of film for each. As shown above the CLAMPS for each genre are wildly different

Genre Research: Action

  This video is my PowerPoint presentation about action movies. The video above lists lots of things that are used in action films. I've always really liked watching action movies so this was my first choice of genre to write about. Most of my favorite movies are action movies so I like to think that I know a good deal about them. The first slide of this PowerPoint is about how lighting is used in action movies. Lighting is used to create atmosphere, for instance dark lighting is used to create gloomy more serious mood. Bright lighting on the other hand is used for more peaceful scenes. Bright lighting isn't commonly used in action movies since it doesn't fit with the violence taking place. The camera angles of action movies are usually dramatic in order to fit the action that's taking place in the movie. Mid shots are used quite often in order to show all the characters at once. This is done so that the viewer can see all the action that is taking place in the film. Wi

Intro Blog (Final Task)

   Hey there, my name is Spencer D. I'm a student at Fort Lauderdale High School and I take the AICE Media studies class. I was born in Miami Florida and now I live in Broward. I'm into doing creative things like drawing and animating so studying media sounded like a good idea for me. Academically I'm not super great at any specific subject, but history has always interested me. Some of my hobbies include gaming, cooking, drawing, and watching television. I've always liked video games and movies, especially the ones that can tell a good story. Some of my favorite game series are Super Mario, Kirby and The Legend of Zelda which are all amazing franchises. Going back to academics, I'm a slightly above average student usually scoring around a B in each class.  I have two cats named Him and Nuzlocke to keep me sane from all the schoolwork that I get during the week. I try to take good care of my cats, but thankfully cats are pretty low maintenance so its all good for me

Pitch Blog

   The most important task in this entire assignment is deciding what I'll be filming. Although many things are important in order for a complete film, it is impossible to do anything until I know what I want to film. Here I have two pitches for films that I would be interested in producing. Pitch 1: Researchers dig up the fabled golden calf and begin to investigate its mysterious power. I think this would be super fun to make, the story is simple but would make for a great fiction movie. I'm not a religious guy but I've always enjoyed biblical type lore so I think this would be a great project. Pitch 2: A man receives a shipment of insanely valuable goods that he didn't order and decides to keep them for himself out of greed. The original buyers of the goods then go after him. This is a really cool story that's based on something that had happened to my grandfather. Sure it was just a sandwich and not insanely valuable treasures but its an entertaining story noneth